
don't.I think together,they'd make a great crime team.I'm sure they'd both love me for that..
re? I You.'re Interested in knowing about me?Well I'll tell you about me.I'm Mark Thomas.I fantasize a lot.Sometimes about unprintable things,but usually about normal, native things-like being the hero who saves the beautiful princess from the ferocious-. drago.lL.I know I'll probably never be a hero to anyone,but I like thinking of it.I consider myself pretty mart,but not any genius.I could be a straight A student,but I don't think it's worth it to kill yourself over something; that- won't matter all that much after a few years ,or even days.trades are important to me,but they by no. means come first in my mind when I get to school.I think I'm different that way because most people are so; concerned •about their grades that they forget, what their tests are a-bout or something like that..Some kids get pressured into .studying good and getting all A's,but, I'm not,and no one thinks I'm stupid.Since grades aren't so important to me,I normally don't listen to teachers.Sometimes I do it just to show them how much their stupid lectures help me.I do all right by just reading the chapter over before the test ..That way,the teacher thinks I studied hard,but I hardly had any idea what was going on for most of the semester..
I like to think a lot.Most people think I'm high all the time because I never talk to anybody anymore ..I used to talk so much I couldn't stop myself,,but not any more.I don't know why I say I think a lot,but I get the feeling, I do,even if I don't.I think I listen to things more clearly now then I used to when I was younger.I'm only fourteen now,but I'm ready to face the world.I can't wait to get to college.lt'11 be so much fun because I don't know why,it just will be ..Why should anyone my age think of college now anyway?Next year I start high school ..I can't wait, to see what it's like.Some people say it's a lot. of fun,and others say it's hell in disguise.I think that the people that like high school were the ones like me that, are interested in having a guod time
- Author
- mark thomas